shattered dreams

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

they are not only symbols of sadness or pain
more often than not, they represent helplessness, frustration and fatigue
i really am at my wits end
i don't know how to deal with all these anymore
physical scars heal fast
i have a high tolerance level for physical pain when i want
what hurts most you cant see
its felt
the mental anguish
like a red hot poker straight into the heart
and held there
you can smell the burning flesh
hear the sizzling sound of hot metal cooling upon the already heavily scarred skin
you cry out in pain
scream in agony
thrust about the heavy metal chains holding you down
they do not yield
never had
never will
there is no one to save you
no one can
they cant find the dark dungeon where you are
there is no entrance nor exit
no one can go in or out
no one at all......


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