shattered dreams

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

i sat under the freaking balding tree
trying to ignore the leaves and bugs falling on me
trying to control the rising blood pressure and the level of sacarsm in my tone
tell me
what does discussion mean?
i thought it meant throwing out ideas and talking about the various ideas and finally choosing the best one available or the one that is most feasible
apparently, not everyone thinks like me
to some, it may mean pushing across a lousy idea that the culprit comes up with
irregardless of whether there are protests from other group members
ploughing on despite obvious flaws and no freaking demand
no matter how fantastic any marketing or advertisment is, there is simply no way a product/service without any demand can take off
like seriously
is it that difficult to get that point?
or is that skull simply too thick to allow penetration of any idea except for one's own?
and pls learn some form of social etiquite
apologise when you are late
especially if you are late for like freaking half an hour
i have always thought that it is the norm to go "sorry, i am late" instead of sitting down with a glowering face the moment you arrive
basic courtesy
maybe i might have given the impression that i am easy-going
but that does not mean that i am easily pushed around or can be easily manipulated
if you think so, i am sorry
you are seriously mistaken
wait, wth am i apologising for?
i am not the one who made the mistake
so there


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