shattered dreams

Friday, February 10, 2006

i had a seriously disgusting and disturbing bus ride to school today
and it was all within a span of fifteen minutes

today, i realised my entire academic life has been far too sheltered and protected
in all my years in all my schools, i have never seen a case of real bullying
yes, there was the bitching, the stares and the sarcasm as well as the occasional flare up
but, i had/have never truly seen a bunch of people surrounding one person
taunting, threatening and hitting
and they were CHILDREN
lower sec kids and i am 99.9999% certain they were only sec ones
what in the world taught these children to be so cruel and horrible?
and they were fearless
it was on a public bus for goodness sakes
and they were on the poor boy like there were no others around
intially there were people around, but either by coincidence or to avoid trouble( i strongly strongly suspect its the latter), they all began getting off
did anyone not see or hear what was happening??
how can you turn a blind eye to a poor boy being bullied like that???
disgusting cowardly behavior
they were only a bunch of kids for crying out loud!!!
and you adults were actually scared of them??
i was so so so angry, please
i actually got the school's'number from singtel and called the school up
in front of this bunch of disgusting kids
and they had the atrocity to stare and glare at me before getting off the bus as soon as they heard me requesting the schools number and dialling
disgusting creatures
what is the world coming to?
or have i just been living in my own comfy zone for too long?

and before that, there was this bunch of iderts on the bus annoying me like mad
i was doing my pre-lab assignment on the bus cuz i haven't completed it and there won't be enough time to finish it up in school later, and this disgusting bunch of people had to come up to the upper deck and sit AROUND me when the WHOLE back of the bus was fucking empty
bloody idiots
and idiots love making noise and saying stupid things and started singing
please, i am sure the screeching brakes sounded more melodious than your disgustingly disgusting voice
i was suprised that the windows and my ear drums did not shatter
and that was not the only suprise
they could actually tell i was doing chemistry!
you mean you know what chemistry is??
i am so proud of your teacher!
how did he/she manage to teach an idiot like you to recognise NaOH and HCl?
i saluate him/her!
disgusting creatures


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