shattered dreams

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

it is that time of the year again
when the NUS network becomes bloody hell slow
when msn conversations all start with
"heyy... so what modules are you taking this sem?"
"how many points did you bid for that module?"
and you see msn nicks like "bidding sucks, cant get , no 4 day week, bid points freaking high.." etc etc

and this is when you know school is really starting soon
how absolutely depressing
and i haven't chose my modules yet because everything that sounds remotely interesting clashes with my absolutely monstrous timetable
think 10-8 without a break
think 2 consecutive lab sessions
think MORE tutorials to slot in
you get the picture, yarh?
but i think i am glad i dun have the first-come-first serve basis for modules and all though
that would be worse i think
yes, i am learning how to be thankful for little things

on a brighter note, i bought lots of nice things today
and burnt a hole in my pocket but wth
it made me happy and i did kinda save money because they all cost more originally than the price i paid for
i am quite easily satisfied after all


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