shattered dreams

Saturday, September 02, 2006

certain things, once changed, can and will never be the same again

septemeber is here
time has been zooming past me
haven't had the time to slow down and and take in my surroundings since school started
everything has just been a crazy rush
i need to slow down and breathe

t is pretty amazing how a random person whom you haven't seen in more than a year can help put things into perspective and haul you out of the dark valley of depression
a online conversation during a not too interesting lecture put some sense into the thing called my head and things have been looking better since
school is still crazy, things are not perfect
but they seem easier to deal with when you are not depressed
thank you, friend

today was a crazy day
three consecutive classes at the tuition centre then a two hour session with my O levels student
i seriously understand why teachers can be so exhausted after a days' work and be immensely grouchy towards the end of the day

some kids are monsters, some kids are angels
but i still don't want to take the risk of raising monsters


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