shattered dreams

Saturday, October 28, 2006

lijie's pet peeves on the public transport system

1. people who put the horrid sounding music (read: techno, diabetically sweet, act cute and weird sounding stuff) on the speakers on their handphones
then, proceed to speak really loudly with their friends to be heard over the noise they create.
2. people who has to sit on the seat next to the aisle on the bus and inconvenience other commuters
3. smelly people (ok, fine, so some of them cannot be faulted because of the nature of their work or activities, but still)
4.people who simply cant take their wallets out of their bags and insist on testing the sensitivity of the machine by burying their wallets in the bag and brushing their bags against the machine
and in the process hold up everyone else behind them
5.people who sit down and pretend to sleep when they see an old man/woman or extremely pregnant lady beside their seat
6.people who eat on the bus and leave their junk on the seats
7.people who prop their legs on the behind of the seats even though there are other commuters sitting on the seat in front of them

i will add on to the list when i think of more
but seriously
we could all do with some form of civic mindedness and consideration for others


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