shattered dreams

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

i hate carbohydrates because

1. they make you fat
yes, i know technically anything can make you fat but due to high glucose (which is a carbohydrate) content in the blood after a meal, it causes LPL to be expressed better, hence causing the excess food consumed to be stored in the adipose tissue(which is basically your fats) rather than be utilized by the muscle, or sth
so, it is in the human nature to be fat
then why the hell does everybody want to be skinny??
that is opposing the law of nature
i am pro-fat people now cuz i am one of them

2. carbohydrate is definitely going to come out for one of my core modules and more than likely for the other as well.
and by far, it is the most taxing biomolecule (of what i have to study, anyway)
i am looking at 103 slides for the chemistry and function in food and another 118 PAGES for its metabolism in the human body in the freaking disgusting biochemistry mantra called FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOCHEMISTRY LIFE AT THE MOLECULAR LEVEL, which happens to be not fundamental at all

which is why i have put off this till now
cuz it is really something which requires hell lot of brains and memory work as well as superb concentration
all of which i am not particularly well equipped now

i hope to survive


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