shattered dreams

Sunday, July 30, 2006

i had a lovely saturday
and i THOUGHT i would have a lovely weekend
i thought the horrid phone conversation last night was just a bad dream because it was just so dumb that i couldn't make sense of it
then, i woke up this morning and saw the message that was still open on my phone
and finally remembered and realised that it wasn't a dream

i really do hate rollercoaster rides
why cant everything just be nice and gay and happy?
maybe i will just go cut my hair later
beats rotting at home on a sunday
and it makes me feel better, anyway

Friday, July 28, 2006

been immensely domesticated lately
list of domestic chores done by lijie
1. cooked dinner(which consisted of fish, veg, sausages and preserved veg) last night
2. cleaned the house
3.babysit my cousin

been at home for these two days
and i concluded i will never want to be a home maker
i was bored out of my brains these two days, being domesticated
no, there was no special reason for the sudden "domestication"
and i am not planning to get married or anything
all those over-active imaginative and "like to think too far" people, dun start making wild guesses

i tunes is being irritating
it refuses to play this particular album that i jsut downloaded
it simply ignores the fact that i am trying to play the album and does not display any error message
it is as if the player simply cannot be bothered with me
so now, i cannot put this album into my ipod
how annoying

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

it is that time of the year again
when the NUS network becomes bloody hell slow
when msn conversations all start with
"heyy... so what modules are you taking this sem?"
"how many points did you bid for that module?"
and you see msn nicks like "bidding sucks, cant get , no 4 day week, bid points freaking high.." etc etc

and this is when you know school is really starting soon
how absolutely depressing
and i haven't chose my modules yet because everything that sounds remotely interesting clashes with my absolutely monstrous timetable
think 10-8 without a break
think 2 consecutive lab sessions
think MORE tutorials to slot in
you get the picture, yarh?
but i think i am glad i dun have the first-come-first serve basis for modules and all though
that would be worse i think
yes, i am learning how to be thankful for little things

on a brighter note, i bought lots of nice things today
and burnt a hole in my pocket but wth
it made me happy and i did kinda save money because they all cost more originally than the price i paid for
i am quite easily satisfied after all

Sunday, July 23, 2006

i think i am having a crush
on a fifty-plus man
FEI XIANG is just OH-MY-GOODNESS damn bloody gorgeous, please

watched Cabaret today
it was worth every cent i paid
(ok, so i didn't pay the full price of the ticket)
i am not exactly very well versed in theatre but i know i was rather wowed by it
and i was constantly drooling at Fei Xiang
Emma Yong has a powerful voice too
although sera and mel, (both better versed in theatre than me) said she didn't have a very strong presence on stage
but for a amateur like me, i was pretty impressed


Friday, July 21, 2006

you know things are different when the topic of conversation over lunch turns to electrical and utility bills and budgeting
but, nonetheless lunch with edith and sera, two of my dearest friend was still good
it feels good to be able to have conversations (despite not seeing each other on a regular basis) that is just about anything and everything without reservation
i think that is what you call friendship
THAT made a lovely wednesday

thursday and friday was spent in the far east
those who understand will, so there
KFC chicken's chop (not good, btw)
spoilt curry puff
not nice fish soup
not nice dumpling but nice noodles, dumpling noodles
yummy hotfudge sundae
lukewarm fries
weird YEO's orange juice that tasted not too bad with 100 plus
a failed attempt to go swimming
and an extremely fat hamster that looks like a ball

the exotic far east

a good week thus far
and i hope lessons tmr would go smoothly
with the aid of sweets and chocolates, it should
bribery is not good, i know
but sometimes, most of the times, it works
and it is for their own good, what
-sheepish grinz-

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

i have 16 hours of lab work weekly this sem
good luck to me

just attempted to do my timetable and with just my 4 core modules, it looks fucking bad
i already hate LSM 2201(experimental biochemistry)
it sounds gross doesn't it?
and the timing is even worse
why the hell must lecture be from 1800-2000????
and on two days at that?
that means i cannot continue teaching my sec 2 class which i like to teach and that i need to reschedule my o level student
they are such gems as compared to those sec 1 monsters
(i have been teaching at a tuition centre and intend to continue doing so)
i am sad
and i haven't even fitted in my other modules yet
nothing looks interesting and i kinda dunno what else i have to take

Sunday, July 09, 2006

this weekend is really one of the best in a long long time
i cant express all of what i am feeling now but i am going to try because it is one weekend that i will cherish for a long long time

saturday night
dinner with jingqi was, in a word, fantastic
although we exceeded our budgets by quite a bit, ok, alot, it was well worth it
the lovely food, excellent company and simply great conversation
we talked about everything under the sun, or rather, moon as we sat by the river drinking hooch and bacardi
yes, i know, how unglam
but wth
we had a really good time
yes, jingqi, we'll do it more often, but we need to stick to our budget

sunday was a day spent with long lost family members
a day truly worth remembering and well spent
the familar laughter and chatter
something i didn't know i missed so dearly

as everyone sat down and talked, it was when i realised how different things were and how much older i really am
i used to be the kid receiving advice and listening in to the adults
but now, i am one of the adults sitting at the table and talking and giving advice to the younger ones
it felt really weird

but at the same time, it made me realised that it is time i learn how to arrange family functions and all
i am the eldest on both sides of my family
and it will be up to me to arrange anything in future when the adults are no longer around
i know it sounds morbid but it is true
and i wish when that time comes, it would be like what it was last time
a crowded and lively affair like before

Friday, July 07, 2006

i am typing this because i am procasinating
trying to decide whether i should go to the gym
as in, i am going to go to the gym but i cant decide whether to go now, or to go aft tuition
and my ankle hurts
i dunno why
i THINK i am not sick anymore but i cant be sure
i know someone is really quite sick
ok, this is a totally pointless and random post ant took me of 45 seconds to type
but i still cant decide whether to go to the gym

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

three years
through the ups and downs, laughter, anger, sorrow and tears
we made it thus far

my new toy
thank you

yes, everything turned out fine in the end
(i hear the "as usual"s)

no, it is not this that made everything ok

Sunday, July 02, 2006

can one feel two extremely strong contradicting emotions at the same time?

history really always repeat itself

i love and hate this time of the year
and i hate the world cup fever